Tuesday, November 17, 2015


The Oort Cloud is a very special place in the Solar System. For the most part, the different parts that make up the Solar System all fall onto or near the orbital plane. This is true for all objects, comets, asteroids, planets, etc. until you get to the Oort Cloud. This shell is located far away from any of the planets, starting at about 2,000 Au and continuing to over 100,000 Au away. It is thought that the material that makes up the cloud is the left over debris from the protoplanetary disk. As such, it was formed much closer to Sol then where it rests now, but due to gravitational influences in the inner solar system, many were flung to where they rest now.  Everything that is within the Oort Cloud is very cold and very old, with a large majority of it dating back to the formation of the solar system. As the objects  within the Oort Cloud are very far from the Sun, it is very hard to see any of the actual objects inside of it and as such have only been able to calculate its realness through mathematical calculations that insist that it must be there.
The Oort Cloud surrounds the Solar System like a shell.
The Oort Cloud is a major object that needs to be studied, and as it is studied there are more bodies within the cloud that are worth mention. As we take a closer look next time we will look at one of the largest objects within the cloud, the planetoid Sedna.

 Space Facts. (2015). Space Facts. Retrieved from http://space-facts.com/oort-cloud/

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